(Postgraduate International School of Men's Health)
The PostgRraduate International School of Men’s Health (PRISM) is a newly initiated, independent, educational, non for profit organisation registered in Singapore as PRISM Pacific Pte Ltd.
The objective of the organisation is to distribute more complete and accurate information about men's health to medical and health professionals and to patients from all over the world. It aims to train and facilitate information exchange to health professionals and anybody interested in men's health.
This new initiative is supported by experts in men's health and related disciplines around the world. PRISM has already generated a lot of interest amongst the medical community but now the organization is organising the 1st "PRISM-ICMH" congress to be held in Berlin, Germany on 03-05 November 2016 to promote men's health and offering much needed high level educational updates for professionals.
In the last two decades, a lot of information has been given about women’s health, mainly focused on the menopause and the hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, talking about men’s health was deemed less relevant or interesting.
For this reason some key opinion leaders in the androgen (male hormone) and urological field started the initiative of PRISM.
Project Objectives:
To deliver high quality education and update professionals in the field with most up to date information.
PRISM Community:
PRISM School is organizing many successful scientific and educational activities for medical doctors, health professional, college students and young practitioners from all over the world.
Past Events
PRISM School has been organizing many of the successful scientific & educational activities for the international medical doctors, professional in the field of Men's Health for aiming to improve patients care through educational updates.
Scientific Advisory Board Meetings in 2014-2015
Scientific Advisory Board Meeting in Chicago, USA on 10 June, 2014
Scientific Advisory Board Meeting in Washington, USA on 16 January, 2015
PRISM-Seminar Events 2014-2015-2016
​PRISM Seminar in Gent, Belgium on 23/24 February, 2014 ("Train the Trainer" courses for CIS, CEE, Russian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Gent, Belgium on 26/28 February, 2014 ("Train the Trainer" courses for CIS, CEE, Russian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Gent, Belgium on 2/3 April, 2014 (Training for CIS, CEE, Russian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Brugge, Belgium on 14-17 May, 2014 (Training for CIS, CEE, Russian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Brugge, Belgium on 25/27 September, 2014 (Training for CIS, CEE, Russian doctors)
PRISM Australia Seminar in Sydney, Australia on 25/26 October, 2014 ( Training for Australian doctors)
PRISM Asia Seminar in Singapore on 1/2 November,2014 ( Training for Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysian Doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Brugge, Belgium on 21/22 November, 2014 ( Training for Germany, Brazil doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Moskow, Russia on 18/26 February, 2015 ( Training for Russian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Brugge on 10/11 April, 2015 ( Training for Colombia, Equator, Brazilian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Brugge on 28/29 May, 2015 ( Training for Slovenia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belgium doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Brugge on 9/10 June, 2015 ( Training for Thailand, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Belgium, UK doctors)
PRISM China Seminar in Beijing, China on 4 July, 2015 ( Training for Chinese doctors )
PRISM Asia Seminar in Singapore on 26/27 September, 2015 ( Training for Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong-Kong, Mongolian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia on 18 September, 2015 ( Training for Russian doctors)
PRISM Seminar in Brugge, Belgium on 13/14 November, 2015 ( Training for Germany and Brazilian doctors )
PRISM Seminar in Brugge, Belgium on 9/10 June, 2016 ( Training for Brazilian doctors)
PRISM Seminar Brugge on 20/21 October, 2016
PRISM Seminar Brugge on 2/3 December, 2016
Congresses and Symposium 2015-2016
PRISM Symposia at the EAU in March, 2015, in Madrid, Spain
PRISM Symposia at the ISSAM International Congress in October-2015, in Prague, Czech Republic
PRISM 1st Congress "PRISM-ICMH (PRISM International Congress on Men's Health)" on 3-5 November 2016 in Berlin, Germany(upcoming)